Small Groups

Want to find your God-centered community?

Get plugged in with other lovers of Jesus through our small group Bible studies. This is the group you can read with, study with, pray with, and just do life with. Just pick the best time slot that works for you!


Solid Ground

That your joy would be made full!

Did you know that God can be enjoyed and experienced? We should not only know God objectively but also know Him in a subjective way in our every day lives. This ministry time is a time to dive deeper into the Word of God. 1 Timothy 2:4 says "[Our savior God] desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth"

Home Groups

Get connected to a home away from home.

Families in the community open their homes throughout the week for dinner and fellowship.The intimacy, simplicity, and mutuality of a home, believe it or not, is the ideal venue for Christian gatherings. Meeting in homes is the Holy Spirit’s “invention” and the original pattern presented in the New Testament (Acts 2:46).